Club History
Trevor Marr
New Members might wonder about the plaque in the patch of grass near the car park.
It is a plaque in recognition of Club Member Trevor Marr who spent many hours at the Club tending the grass in every possible way.
The area is named “Trevor’s Patch” because he brought the grass in runners from the Nuriootpa Caravan park where he worked part time. He spent many hours on hands and knees, digging, planting, weeding, fertilizing and watering that patch and the rest of the field. He mowed, fertilized and sprayed incessantly.
It is fair to say that the field has never been as good as when Trevor was tending it.
If he wasn’t looking after the grass he was off scavenging wood for the fire or unloading pine cones he had collected.
He donated two trailers, fertilizer spreaders, and nobody knows how much Blood and Bone.
If you look in the Verandah area you’ll see a cane chair which was his seat [ he was tall with a bad back] .
He learnt to fly at our club and at his age it was no easy task. He stuck at it and spent many nights repairing models. His favourite model was an Electric Trojan; he owned several. The seat on a single stick also under the verandah was topped by Trevor who wasn’t much wider, flying his favourite Trojan.
He was well liked by Club Members and was always ready to help out where he could.
He wouldn’t want me to say too much about his life. He was a very private man but at his funeral it was revealed that his wife died young and he raised his children with the assistance of his Mother. He did it tough but in the end got some joy from modelling and involvement in the Model Club. His end of life was not pleasant with Cancer and failing heart. He was ill for a long time but didn’t complain. Only by chance did we discover he was in hospital for one serious reason or another.
There are some people you come across in your life that are really special. Trevor Marr was one of those.
Trent Niemann